The Instruments of Eternal Light
The 'Instruments of Eternal Light' are light instruments given to humanity by a group of Ascended Masters from all traditions, that chose to guide the earth and humanity back to harmony and perfection. They call themselves the 'Guardians of the Flame'.
The 'Instruments of Eternal Light' are still quite unknown on Earth, in society as we know it today.
We know now that it is a great innovation in the field of healing!
The 'Guardians of the flame' tell us that in previous golden ages of human consciousness (for example the time of Atlantis) the light instruments were used by everyone to keep their vibration high, grow beyond previous limits and manifest their dreams.
But what are light instruments?
Light instruments are the physical expression of pure harmonizing light energies. With the eye you see geometric shapes made of Cedar wood, however, at the finest level of matter there is an entirely different reality present, pure light-energy!
As we now know from science (quantum mechanics), at the finest level matter consists of energy particles (quarks and leptons) that interact in high density with each other at a great speed, which leads to certain properties that we can observe as solid matter. But in actuality it is energy!
Everything is energy and these energies are constantly influencing each other. Everything has it's own base vibrational frequency. Due to external and internal influences humanities vibrational frequency generally changes a lot during the day.
For example due to the influence of emotions. General rule is the higher the vibration the more positive the experience and influence. Positive emotions raise the vibrational frequency which is equivalent to experiencing more positivity, for example, happiness and health. Negative emotions carry and generate heavy, low vibrational frequencies and thereby have a negative impact on how well you feel.
The vibrations of those negative emotions often remain present in the body and in the spaces where they have been experienced, because many people do not know how to release them and transform them into light, positive energies. Unconsciously creating a cycle of experience where the heavy energies or emotions that are stored surface, are experienced and then transmitted back into the body or environment.
Light instruments are ideally suited for breaking these negative cycles, because they heal the root of the experience: the energy. Making space to experience new levels of being with more positive experiences.
So, everything we perceive, solid or fine, is actually energy. Energy is constantly interacting and influencing each other with the information that is transmitted and stored. Which when guided well results in new experiences and information.
To better understand Light instruments, it is helpful to look at crystals. By influence of extreme external circumstances liquid matter is formed into crystals; the matter changes shape, color and emits a certain energy. This energy then interacts with a person's energetic system, who then experiences the effects.
A similar process ensures that a light instrument is not just a beautiful carving but a powerful source of healing energy. With light instruments, the matter is transformed only at the finest level (energy).
this takes place in three stages:
1 purification of old memories from the wood (heavy energies, from being a tree that was cut down, etc.), 2 reprogramming of the matter so that it begins to emit a specific pure light energy
3 stabilization of this energy in the matter.
Because of this final stage, light instruments, unlike crystals, can't contaminate or diminish in power. they do not need to be charged or cleaned. They even continue radiating the infused energy when they break!
So, with the eye you see the geometric shapes made of Cedar wood, however at the finest level of energy there is only the pure light. Light which is so pure that nothing else can exist within it or in it's vicinity. Continuously the instrument transmits the information of this pure, light positive energy to the environment and the beings in this environment. Matter, which tends to be a bit slow to change, starts to adapt to this pure energy it receives. In this way, over time, energies that are not in line with this purity are transformed into light. As you can imagine this makes the instruments extremely powerful tools for healing and purification.